Keynote Lecture – Prof. Walter Salvatore @ 1st European Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures

1st European Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures

Keynote Lecture:
Prof. Walter Salvatore, University of Pisa
Date: Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
Time: 10.15 a.m.

Prof. Walter SalvatoreWalter Salvatore is Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Pisa (SSD ICAR/09). From 2015, President of the Council of the Interclass Master Degree Course in Environmental and Structural Engineering and of the Master Degree Course in Hydraulic, Transport and Territory Engineering. He was Pro-rector for the Buildings and Heritage of the University of Pisa and now he is Pro-rector for the Buildings of the University of Pisa. He is teaching at University of Pisa the courses of Earthquake Engineering, foundation Structures and Structural Design. Prof. Salvatore is the coordinator of 5 research projects and Scientific Project Head for the University of Pisa of 13 research Projects at internatio-nal level. He is Scientific Project Head of more than 50 research contracts with public bo-dies and private operators. He is Scientific Coordinator Project Head of national and inter-national research on the classification, control and monitoring of railway and motorway bridges.
Prof. Salvatore is the president of FABRE Consortium, that does research on the evalua-tion and monitoring of existing bridges, viaducts and other structures.
Since 2006, he is an Expert Member, named by the Research Directorate-General, Direc-torate G – Industrial Technologies of the European Commission, of Technical Group Steel 8, Steel products and applications for building, construction and industry, for the valorisa-tion and the monitoring of research projects funded by RFCS: Research Fund for Coal and Steel and ECSC: European Committee for Coal and Steel.
Since 2007 Prof. Salvatore is a Member, elected, of the Steering Committee of ANIDIS, the “Associazione Nazionale Italiana di Ingegneria Sismica” and a Member, elected by the President of the “Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici”, of several working groups and technical commissions for standardization. From 2017 to 2020, he was an Expert Member of the “Consiglio Superiore del Lavori Pubblici” and from 2020, Prof. Salvatore is an ex-officio Member of the “Consiglio Superiore del Lavori Pubblici” in the three-year period 2020-2023, and member of the “Sezioni I e III” of the same Committee.
In 2020 he was a Member of the technical commission appointed by the Minister of Infra-structures for the determination of the causes of the collapse of the bridge over the Magra river between Albiano and Caprigliola.


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