The safety of artworks and the infrastructural development of the country

On the occasion of the presentation of the new edition of SAIE, Prof. Walter Salvatore, President of the FABRE Consortium, gave an interview that touched on the theme of the relationship between the safety of works of art and infrastructural development.
According to Salvatore, “The investments underway and planned for the next few years for the safety of works of art are a unique opportunity for the infrastructural development of the country. These investments, together with the commitment of the bodies in charge, the Ministry, the Superior Council, ANSFISA, which have proposed and are producing a package of modern and avant-garde regulations and guidelines at an international level, allow an analysis of the state of health and efficiency of reliable and homogeneous infrastructures throughout the national territory, and therefore an effective planning and prioritization of the necessary interventions and produce, at the same time, the development of specific skills and innovative solutions that increase the competitiveness of the sector, at both a technical-scientific and management-realisation.
The Fabre Consortium, which brings together 24 universities and research institutions throughout the country, has developed and is developing considerable experience regarding the inspection, classification, evaluation, surveillance and monitoring of existing bridges, viaducts and tunnels, thanks to the continuous collaboration with regulatory and institutional bodies, with numerous road and motorway operators and also with many local bodies. The Consortium, among its other activities, regularly promotes meetings in order to compare the opinions and experiences of all operators in the sector on specific topics.
After the recent meeting in Padua, in which a very large number of technicians discussed in depth the problems inherent to the special inspections of bridges and the risk assessments of tunnels, in Bari, on the occasion of the SAIE, Fabre intends to organize meetings and events in order to discuss the importance of a correct planning of the knowledge of the works for the purposes of their accurate evaluation, deepening not only the structural and seismic aspects but also the hydrogeological ones, also in preparation for the biennial national conference organized by the Consortium which will probably be held in Genoa in February 2024.”


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