The Fabre Consortium is organizing a conference in Lucca from 2 to 4 February 2022 entitled “Existing bridges, viaducts and tunnels: research, innovation and applications”.
Bridges, viaducts and tunnels are fundamental and indispensable elements for circulation in territories with varied orography and often crossed by waterways. Much of the Italian road network in use today was designed and built in the decades following the Second World War, relying on limited knowledge and based on traffic flows of significantly different entities than today. Added to this is the natural degradation of materials, often accelerated by aggressive environmental conditions, by not always effective maintenance, by the lack of care in the construction details.
For these reasons, our company has inherited an extremely varied heritage of bridges and tunnels in terms of construction typologies, materials, which urgently needs to be checked in order to know their actual state of conservation and plan the subsequent phases for a conscious management of the same . These range from the monitoring of structures with a good state of conservation or with controlled evolution of the damage, up to those characterized by significant criticalities on which it is necessary to intervene, before adverse events can occur, from those that put the viability in crisis to catastrophic ones sadly risen to the fore in recent news.
The problems to be faced are many but interrelated, although connected to sources of deterioration of a different nature. It then becomes essential to use the most modern tools that research makes available and at the same time stimulate it towards topics that best promise to support the development of effective solutions for infrastructure management and monitoring.
This is the objective of the conference which will bring to the attention of the participants the study of the main intervention techniques, instrumental investigations, monitoring and diagnostics of existing bridges and tunnels.
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