Massimo Malaguti


COMPDYN 2021, 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

27-30 June 2021, Streamed from Athens, Greece 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Minisymposium 37 "Risk assessment of bridges and...

Fourth Appointment for Safe passages dedicated to structural diagnostics

As part of the technical and cultural project PASSAGGI SICURI, promoted by Maggioli Editore, EdilTecnico and THE TECHNICAL OFFICE, with the support and technical...

Online course “SAFE PASSAGES: survey and BIM modeling of infrastructures”

SAFE PASSAGES: survey and BIM modeling of infrastructures Live online course by Carlo Pellegrino, Piero Farinati and Paolo Segala Friday May 21, 2021 16.30 - 18.00 As part...

April 29, 2021 – presentation of the first ANSFISA report

The National Agency for the Safety of Railways and Road and Motorway Infrastructures will present the 2020 Annual Report on Thursday 29 April at 11 am. The National...

Seminar “Special investigations for artifacts in C.A.P.”

The ASTM group, through SINA, has always been active with inspections aimed at verifying the state of conservation of complex structures such as bridges,...

9 April 2021 – University of Granada, The role of SHM in the risk assessment process of aging bridges

The role of SHM in the risk assessment process of ageing bridges: an overview of ongoing research efforts in light of the new Italian...

30 March 2021 – Seminar “Reinforced concrete structures and infrastructures”

The ASTM group, through SINA, has always been active in the sector of inspection, evaluation of works, monitoring and structural and technological improvement of...

10 March 2021 – Conference “The digital management of risk classification and safety assessment of existing bridges”

DIGITAL MANAGEMENT OF RISK CLASSIFICATION AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING BRIDGES Conference in synchronous FAD realized with the unconditional contribution of HARPACEAS Wednesday 10 March 2021 15:00...