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Title Methodological Approaches for RIsk assessment in the framework of landslide-bridge IntEraction
Research Topic Indagini, monitoraggio e modellazione finalizzati alla valutazione del rischio frana per ponti e viadotti
Partnership Università di Padova (coord.)
Politecnico di Bari
Università di Camerino
Università di Perugia
Università di Pisa
Politecnico di Milano
Università di Perugia
Politecnico di Torino 
Principal Investigator Paolo Simonini, UNIPD
Budget 170 k€
Duration 12 months  
Abstract This research project aims to develop an integrated framework for assessing and monitoring the risk associated with landslides impacting bridges, particularly in challenging terrains. The project unfolds in three key phases. First, a detailed analysis of case studies will be conducted to understand the diverse interactions between landslides and bridges. Special attention will be given to rainfall-induced landslides, debris flows, and their effects on structural elements. Slow moving landslides interacting with foundations of bridges and viaducts are also carefully considered. Once the phase of collecting and analyzing data from various cases of bridge-landslide interactions is completed, the project aims to address the design and optimization of survey campaigns to enhance the level of knowledge regarding the structure, from a geotechnical perspective, and the surrounding terrain. The reduction of uncertainties in different scenarios then addresses the issue of monitoring, both traditional and innovative, seen as a tool to identify in-depth the type of instability, its main characteristics (degree of activity, volumes involved, geometric features, kinematics, and temporal evolution), and possible evolution. Monitoring is also conceived as a tool to identify and quantify potential states of distress in the structure resulting from the presence of a landslide. The final step of the project concerns the modeling of interactions between infrastructure and instability, depending on the different identified types. The modeling phase starts from specific cases at the local scale and then extends the results using statistical models or those based on artificial intelligence on a larger scale. In this third phase, advanced numerical models will be employed to evaluate the risk of landslides. Utilizing geological, topographical, and hydrological data, the models will assess the probability and consequences of landslide events. This holistic approach will involve finite element methods, discrete element methods, and statistical and probabilistic analyses. Collaborating with governmental bodies and infrastructure managers, the project aims to contribute to the implementation of innovative risk management procedures and effective monitoring strategies. The dissemination of results through scientific articles will enhance the broader impact of the research. This multidisciplinary endeavor seeks to address the critical gaps in current guidelines, particularly concerning landslide risk management for bridges. By adopting an integrated and detailed approach, the project aspires to enhance the safety, resilience, and longevity of critical infrastructure in the face of evolving environmental challenges. 
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