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Title ElectroMagnetic techniques for Investigating Landslide and structural damages due to their Impacts on the bridges
Research Topic Indagini, monitoraggio e modellazione finalizzati alla valutazione del rischio frana per ponti e viadotti
Partnership CNR-IMAA (coord.)
Principal Investigator Luigi Capozzoli, CNR-IMAA
Budget 70 k€
Duration 24 months 
Abstract The project aims at contributing to the described framework, being its final goal the establishment of guidelines, best practices and hints for standardized protocols for the application of EM technologies as effective tool in investigations, monitoring and modelling. The overarching goal is to gather information for the comprehensive assessment of landslide risk for bridges and viaducts. Such a goal will be pursued by performing research activities devoted to reach two specific objectives: a) providing a systematic analysis of the performances offered by the available remote and in situ EM technologies; b) performing technological advancements mainly regarding Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). The first objective involves an accurate critical review of the case studies available in literature, which regard both remote and in situ EM techniques. The second objective addresses two open issues. The first one tackles the assessment of ERT and GPR in surveying bridge foundations. The second open issue deals with the performance analysis of innovative employment modalities of EM technologies for bridge and viaduct structural investigations. 
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